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Use Fetal Doppler for Baby’s Heartbeat: Can You Hear It?

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Fetal Doppler for Hearing Baby's Heartbeat

The birth of the child was miraculous, and it was possible that she had a relationship with a white man who was the father-to-be, one of which was when he used a fetal Doppler to listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

Maybe I was stripped naked
“It’s time to be a single mom. You don’t have a father. Have a kid. Be strong, kid,”

“Finally, Mama bought a fetal Doppler. You know what it’s for, listening to the baby’s heartbeat in my stomach. Listen carefully and don’t forget to use the gel first,” he said, applying the gel Moves in his stomach. Move tools and make sounds.

she’s wearing a sweater
When he started moving the device, he heard a sound called Lucinta, the sound of the baby in his womb walking around in his belly. He even looked happy when he heard the sound.

“Well, take a walk. Can you see? Can you hear?” he said.

Tell how to use the tool.

“Sister, the way to use it is not to look for the back of a baby who is at least 12 weeks old, if you move it it makes a rubbing noise,”

If you need fetal heart or other household products, you can contact me.

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